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usautotri9504 comes from Wacek (2007) and represent industry aggregates for private passenger auto liability/medical coverages. This dataset contains cumulative payments between 1995 and 2004 in millions of dollars. Amounts are based on insurance company annual statements from Schedule P (Part 3B). The elements of the triangle represent cumulative net payments, including defense and cost containment expenses.

usreauto8700 comes from the 2001 edition of the Historical Loss. This dataset has been used by Braun (2004). These data are from reinsurance business for automobile liability coverages for years 1987-2000 and contain cumulative incurred amounts in thousands of US dollars.




usautotri9504, data(usreauto8700) are matrices containing insurance triangles.


Frees, E.W. (2010), Regression modelling with actuarial and financial applications, Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/CBO9780511814372 .

Wacek, M.G. (2007). The path of the ultimate loss ratio estimate, Variance 1, no. 2, 173-92.

Braun, C. (2004), The prediction error of the chain ladder method applied to correlated run-off triangles, ASTIN Bulletin 34, no. 2, 399-423, doi:10.1017/S0515036100013751 .


# (1) load of data